If you know a person's name, you can look up a phone number on the Internet at
http://www.canada411.ca/ . I found myself. Look up your landline phone number.
If you call the operator to help you, you'll be charged for the service.
Adapted from LINC 5
Click on the link below and under LINC 5 Telephone Calls complete
Exercise 2 Telephone terminology
Exercise 4 Telephone phrasal verbs 1, 2, 3
Exercise 5. Identifying Yourself on the Phone 2
Exercise 14. Voice Mail Message 1,3,4
Exercise 15 Grammar in Context: Prepositional Collocations
Listening 1: Stop Bugging me: Exercise 4: http://www.moresettlement.org/LINC1-4/LINC4/banking.customer.service.phones/stop.bugging/stop.bugging.ex4.audio.gapfill.htm
Listening 3: All Lines are Busy Listening
Here is a clip from a popular sitcom called Seinfeld. You can watch reruns of this show on TV.Watch the video to answer the teacher's questions.
Click on the video to listen to some prank/crank calls.
Watch the video to answer the questions:
1. Why didn't George pick up the phone?
2. Why did he call Alice?
Listen to Seinfeld talking about iPhones and blackberries.
Click on the link to listen to the messages. While listening, write down the message.