
 Pronunciation exercises:
Pronunciation Exercises with "s" and "sh"
"s" and "sh"

More exercises with the other sounds:

In this video, you can learn how to pronounce "sh".

If you liked this video, click on the link below for more videos.
Rachel's English

English Sounds

Here is another link with a lot ov other links and exercises.
Pronunciation links

Here is one version of Summer Time. On the pronunciation sheet I gave you, mark the "s, z sh, zh, tsh, dz" sounds.

Here is a useful link to the pronunciation page designed by Okanagan University College. Check out the activities for the sounds we've been practicing in class: "th", "v", /I/ and /iy/.

Here's another site that shows the sounds of Canadian English. You can hear the sounds when you roll over the vowel sound (in pink). To hear all of the sounds, click on the 'next page' arrow. The other sounds are on the next 4 pages. There is also a page of Canadian English stress and intonation, which might be useful.

How about these sounds? Sorry my voice is so deep and hoarse; I will re-record it when I'm better. These are consonant sounds and I'm planning to give you an accompanying handout when I see you next.

Click here for vowel sounds (it's a talking monkey, so check it out!)

Watch the video to review the rules and practice the pronunciation of "-ed" verbs.

Here's a video that clearly explains speaking in thought groups.