Monday, June 2, 2014

Resources for preparing a presentation

Audio 5.7 Click on the link below to listen to the monologue practicing pausing and emphasizing.

Click on the link below, listen to the talk show to answer the questions on the sheet.

Answers for exercise 3 for audio 5.4

1. Fall on deaf ears - nobody listens
2. ice-breaker - an opening sentence, greeting, joke, activity or anecdote that will break the ice or 3. make the audience feel comfortable
4. frame of mind - mood or feeling
5. second-nature- some people have no difficulty speaking in public. It's natural to them.
6. attention-grabber - something that will get listeners' attention
7. to have your audience in mind - to think about the audience's needs and expectations

Take a look at the criteria for your presentations. Do you agree with them? What would you like to delete or add? 

I'm looking forward to listening to your presentations and learning from you.

Criteria for giving presentations
Greets the audience
Presents the outline
Has an introduction, body and conclusion
Uses signposts (signals, transitions) to connect the parts of a presentation
Uses confident body posture and voice, sounds friendly
Speaks clearly, uses pauses and emphasizes important information
Restates the main points in the conclusion
Invites questions from the audience
Thanks the audience

Weekend Homework
Click on the link. Listen to the presentation on how to learn vocabulary. As you listen, answer the following questions.
1. How does the speaker try to get listeners' attention in the introduction?
2. Record the expressions or signposts (transitions) the speaker uses in her presentation to introduce new topics or help listeners follow the order and main points of the presentation.
3. What does the presenter say to signal the end of her presentation?

Vocabulary and phrases to use in your presentations

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